

FAQ Here you can find some of the most common F.A.Q.s. If you don’t find the answer you were looking for or need more detail, you can find my contact information in my Contact page.

Can I start a psychotherapy at any age?

There is no age limit to begin psychotherapy. At any time and stage of life it can be useful to begin this type of path. Anyone can face psychotherapy with a benefit: whether we are 20 or 90, there is always the possibility of finding new ways to deal with successes and failures, joys and sorrows.

How long does psychotherapy last?

The length can vary greatly. The main goal is always to help someone get better, therefore we try to do it as efficiently and rapidly as possible. In any case, it is a patient’s right to stop the sessions.

How often do I have to come in?

Psychotherapy focuses on the relationship between the therapist and the patient. The more the sessions are regular and frequent, the easier it is to work on what emerges during the sessions in a timely and rapid manner. Sessions usually last 50 minutes and are scheduled weekly.

My partner and I are in marital therapy I would like to start personal therapy by myself, can I do it with the same professional?

It is highly unrecommended (also in the opposite situation: someone is going to individual therapy and would like to start couples therapy). Every therapy should be lead by a different professional. This is done so that each person’s privacy is guaranteed and to safe guard the “acceptance without criticism” principle which is at the core of the therapeutical practice

My mother (or any other close relative) had great results with her therapist. Can I start seeing him/her too?

It is highly unrecommended. Every therapy for members of the same family should be lead by a different professional. This is done so that each person’s privacy is guaranteed and to safe guard the “acceptance without criticism” principle which is at the core of the therapeutical practice

How can I be sure that the professional I am doing my therapy with is qualified?

Under Italian Law, a professional can call him/herself a psychotherapist only if he/she is a licensed medical doctor or psychologist, who has successfully completed a 4 year graduate degree in psychotherapy. These facts are easily verified by searching for the name of the professional in the regional or national online registers.

Under Italian law, what is the difference between psychologist, psychotherapist and psychiatrist?

A psychiatrist is a medical doctor with a specialization in psychiatry and who it is entitled to pursue the profession of physician, duly registered with the Professional College of Physicians of his region. As a doctor, then, he can access, if he/she so desires, a graduate school of psychotherapy and he/she is allowed to practice psychotherapy after being registered as a professional psychotherapist. A psychologist is a graduate in Psychology, having successfully attended a three-year degree plus another two-year degree. After graduation he/she attended a training period of one year and successfully passed the State examination and is registered in section “A” of the Professional College of Psychologists of his region. There is also a Doctor in Psychological Techniques (formerly known as junior psychologist) who is a person with a three-year degree in psychology who has completed a post-graduate internship of at least six months and is registered in section “B” of the Professional College of Psychologists of his region. The doctor in Psychological techniques can operate only under the supervision of a section “A” psychologist. A psychotherapist is a licensed psychologist or physician, licensed to practice their profession, who has successfully completed a four-year specialization in psychotherapy.

I would like to start therapy but I am afraid that a third part might come to know the private details I share with my therapist

The psychotherapist is bound by professional secrecy, to the extent permitted by law. In addition, during the first interview he/she is required to make the customer sign a declaration of consent to the processing of sensitive data, of which the customer may request a copy.

If I tell the therapist that I don’t want an invoice can I ask for a discount?

Like all professionals, the therapist is required by the Italian Law to issue a receipt of payment. You can inquire with your fiscal expert to learn about the possible ways to deduct your health care costs when filing your tax return. If you have private health insurance, you should inquire with your insurer as to whether your therapy is covered completely or in part by your plan. Please, click here for more information about tax deductibility.

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